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Shesh Besh Leederville

Shesh Besh Leederville

Lebanese, Middle Eastern

Dishes priced aroundA$27

Photo of restaurant Shesh Besh Leederville in Leederville, Perth

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About Shesh Besh Leederville

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Outdoor seating
Open now
Closes at 12:00 am
12:00 pm - 12:00 am
12:00 pm - 12:00 am
12:00 pm - 12:00 am
12:00 pm - 12:00 am
12:00 pm - 12:00 am
12:00 pm - 12:00 am
12:00 pm - 12:00 am

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More about the restaurant: Shesh Besh Leederville

Shesh Besh in Perth dishes up some of the brightest and boldest Lebanese food in the Leederville area. The menu is peppered with Middle Eastern flavours and dishes. Take the classic schawarma or the batinjan in yoghurt, an aubergine dish. We suggest bringing your friends and ordering the mixed grill and mezze dishes to try a little of many of the best items the menu has to offer. There’s also a fantastic outside terrace for enjoying the food, drinks or a shisha. Huge portions, friendly prices and a relaxed vibe are the icing on the cake of a great dining experience on Oxford Street at Shesh Besh Leederville.

Frequently asked questions

Does the restaurant Shesh Besh Leederville have Outdoor seating?

Yes, the restaurant Shesh Besh Leederville has Outdoor seating.

Can I pay with a credit card at Shesh Besh Leederville restaurant?

Yes, you can pay with Apple Pay, Visa, MasterCard, Debit / Maestro Card, Contactless payment, Amex.

Thinking about making a Shesh Besh Leederville booking?

What's the restaurant buzz at Shesh Besh Leederville all about? Great Lebanese food and beverages keeps diners coming back for more at Shesh Besh Leederville. Located near Leederville in Perth, Shesh Besh Leederville features dishes like Middle Eastern. Check out what sets Shesh Besh Leederville apart from other restaurants in Perth and book a table today to enjoy your next meal out!

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