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Mr. Nam

Mr. Nam

Vietnamese, Asian

Dishes priced aroundA$12

Photo of restaurant Mr. Nam in Mascot, Sydney

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About Mr. Nam

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Good for groups 🎉
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Closed now
11:00 am - 10:00 pm
11:00 am - 10:00 pm
11:00 am - 10:00 pm
11:00 am - 10:00 pm
11:00 am - 10:00 pm
11:00 am - 10:00 pm

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More about the restaurant: Mr. Nam

Located on Bourke Street, across from Mascot train station, Mr. Nam takes time-tested Vietnamese recipes and serves them up in a modern setting. Gaining itself a reputation as the place to go for pho in the Mascot area of Sydney in only a short amount of time, Mr. Nam draws diners through its doors with its popular Vietnamese dishes, open for both lunch and dinner from Monday through to Saturday.

Frequently asked questions

Can I pay with a credit card at Mr. Nam restaurant?

Yes, you can pay with Visa, MasterCard, Debit / Maestro Card.

Does the restaurant Mr. Nam have Outdoor seating?

No, the restaurant Mr. Nam has no Outdoor seating.

Thinking about making a Mr. Nam booking?

From street-food favourites like the bahn mi (Vietnamese baguette) to bowls of hearty beef broth, Sydney foodies can take off on a culinary exploration of Vietnam with Mr. Nam’s authentic and varied dishes. We recommend beginning your meal with the cha nem cua (fried spring rolls with crab, pork and prawns) or the ga da gion (crispy-fried Maryland chicken thigh pieces).

Then go for some rice paper rolls, bahn mi ga (a baguette with grilled Vietnamese five-spiced chicken, homemade pate and mayo, pickled carrot and daikon, and topped with salad and traditional Vietnamese herbs) or sip on a big bowl of pho wagyu. Vegetarians will find plenty of options at Mr. Nam too, making it an ideal choice for dining as a group. Whether it’s for a quick bite to eat at lunch time, or a place to spend the evening feasting of Southeast Asian cuisine, Mr. Nam’s is a popular choice. To be sure of scoring a table at this Bourke Street joint over in Sydney’s mascot, make a reservation in advance.

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