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Battery Point
Magic Curries

Magic Curries

Indian, Australian

Dishes priced aroundA$20

Photo of restaurant Magic Curries in Battery Point, Hobart

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About Magic Curries

Family-friendly ✨
Good for groups 🎉
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Open now
Closes at 9:30 pm
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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More about the restaurant: Magic Curries

Some Indian restaurants are decent, some are excellent, and some are, well, magic. Magic Curries on Hampden Road in Battery Point conjure up curries that are loved all over Hobart, a tribute to the dedication and effort that they have put in. The family that own Magic Curries hail from the Punjab, so the emphasis is on North Indian food, as is the ambience, so when you arrive, you’re going to want to take advantage. Start with a pakora or two, or something from the tandoor – they do a mixed platter with a bit of everything – before moving onto any of the extensive range of classic curries on offer. Hampden Road in Hobart might not seem the obvious destination for a spot of subcontinental sorcery, but head on over: seeing is believing, after all.

Frequently asked questions

Does the restaurant Magic Curries have parking?

Yes, the restaurant Magic Curries has Street Parking.

Does Magic Curries serve Indian food?

Yes, the restaurant Magic Curries serves Indian food and also serves Australian food.

Thinking about making a Magic Curries booking?

What's the restaurant buzz at Magic Curries all about? Great Indian food and beverages keeps diners coming back for more at Magic Curries. Located near Battery Point in Hobart, Magic Curries features dishes like Australian. Check out what sets Magic Curries apart from other restaurants in Hobart and book a table today to enjoy your next meal out!

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